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Ezra Mendelsohn. The Dilemma of Jewish Politics in Poland. Four

Responses. — In: B. Vago and G. Mosse (eds.). Jews and non-Jews in

Eastern Europe, p. 208.

Joseph Rothschild. Pilsudskis Coup DEtat, p. 207.

Zionism in Poland. — “Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel”, vol. II,

p. 899.

Nana Sagi and Malcolm Lower. Research Report. Pre-War Reactions to Nazi anti-Jewish Policies in the Jewish Press. — „Yad Vashem Studies“,

vol. XII, p. 401.

Pawel Korzec. Anti-Semitism in Poland as an Intellectual. Social and Political Movement. — „Studies on Polish Jewry, 1919–1939”, p. 79.

6„Jewish Debate in Polish Parliament”. — „Jewish Weekly News“, Melbourne, 29 December 1933, p. 5.

Zosa Szajkowski. Western Jewish Aid and Intercession for Polish

Jewry, 1919–1939. — „Studies on Polish Jewry”, p. 231.

Ezra Mendelsohn. The Dilemma of Jewish Politics in Poland. Four

Responses, p. 26.

Pilsudski Wood. — „Palestine Post”, 16 May 1935, p. 1.

10 Leonard Rowe. Jewish Self-Defense. A Response to Violence. —

„Studies on Polish Jewry”, p. 121.

11 Ibid., p. 123.

12 Ibid., p. 124.

13 The Anti-Jewish Excesses in Poland. — „Palestine Post”, 29 January

1936, p. 3.

14 Jacob Lestchinsky. Night over Poland. — „Jewish Frontier”, July

1936, p. 11–12.

15 William Zukerman. Jews in Poland. — „Palestine Post”, 1 December

1937, p. 4.

16 Joel Cang. The Opposition Parties in Poland and their Attitudes toward the Jews and the Jewish Problem. — „Jewish Social Studies”,

April 1939, p. 248.

17 Alexander Erlich et al. Solidarnosc, Polish Society and the Jews,

p. 13.

18 Democrats win in Polish Elections. — „New York Times”, 20 De-

cember 1938; „The Times”, 20 December 1938.

19 Bernard Johnpoll. The Politics of Futility, p. 224; Edward Wynot.

Polish Politics in Transition, p. 234–235.

20 „American Jewish Year Book 1937–1938”, p. 392.

21 S. Andreski. Poland. — In: S. Woolf (ed.). European Fascism, p. 179.

22 Endeks propose mass emigration of Jews. — „World Jewry”,

13 March 1936, p. 5.

23 The Jewish Situation in Poland during August and September 1937.—

„Information Bulletin“, № 8–9, 1937, p. 3.

24 Agreement Outside Mandate Sought. — „Palestine Post”, 15 Septem-

ber 1937, p. 8.

25 Szajkowski. „Reconstruction” vs. „Palliative Relief” in American

Jewish Overseas Work, 1919–1939. — „Jewish Social Studies”, January

1970, p. 24.

26 “Jewish Daily Bulletin”, September 1933, p. 1.

27 „Palestine Post”, 29 January 1936, p. 3.

28 Poland. — „Labor Zionist Newsletter”, 4 June 1937, p. 1–2.

29 The Diaspora. — „Labor Zionist Newsletter”, 20 September 1936,

p. 10.

30 Jacob de Hass. They are willing to go. — „Chicago Jewish Chronicle”, 2 October 1936, p. 1.

31 Vladimir Jabotinsky. Evacuation — Humanitarian Zionism, 1937. —

In: „Selected Writings of Vladimir Jabotinsky”, South Africa, 1962, p. 75.

32 Robert Briscoe. For the Life of Me, p. 28.

33 J. Bower Bell. Terror Out of Zion, p. 28.

34 Daniel Levine. David Raziel. The Man and His Times, p. 259–260.

36 Nathan Yalin-Mor. Memories of Yair and Etzel. — „Jewish Spectator”,

1980, p. 33.

36 Levine. David Raziel, p. 260.

37 Интервью автора со Шмулем Мерлином, 16 сентября 1980 г.,

38 Rowe. Jewish Self-Defense, p. 113–114.