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1 Albert Prago. Jews in the International Brigades in Spain, p. 6.

2 Charles Delzell. Mussolinis Enemies, p. 147–161.

3 Anti-Nazi World Olympic Games im Spain on July 19. —„Palestine Post”, 13 July 1936, p. 1.

4 Prago. Jews in the International Brigades in Spain, p. 6–7.

5 Morris Schappes. An Appeal to Zionists: Keep War Out of Palestine. — “Jewish Life”, April 1938, p. 11.

6 Prago. Jews in the International Brigades in Spain, p. 5.

7 Communists in Israel. — “Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel”, vol. 2, p. 204.

8 Saul Wellman. Jewish Vets of the Spanish Civil War. — “Jewish Currents”, June 1973, p. 10.

9 Berl Katznelson. Revolutionary Constructivism, 1937, p. 22.

10 Wellman. Jewish Vets of the Spanish Civil War.

11 Zvi Loker. Balkan Jewish Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War. -

“Soviet Jewish Affairs”, vol. VI,№ 2, 1976, p. 75.