Англ. гос. архив.
Record Office С. О. 188, № 12.
5 декабря 1809 г.
Office of Commitee of Privy Council for trade Whitehall
5-th Dec-r 1809.
The Lords of the Committee of Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations having had under Consideration a memorial of the Inhabitants of Heligoland (transmitted in your letter of the 28-th Ult°). respecting the difficulties which they experience in procuring the necessary Supplies of Provisions etc. arising from the present mode of carrying on Trade with the Continent, unter His Majesty’s license; I am directed to acquaint you, for the information of the Earle of Liverpool, that although the very frequent Intercourse between the Continent, and the Island of Heligoland, on the one hand, and Great Britain on the other, must afford almost numberless opportunities (much more frequent than when the Island was in the possession of the Danes) of procuring supplies of every Description, the Lords of this Committee see no Objection to the Governor’s being authorized to grant Licenses on any special Occasion, to permit the Importation of Provisions.
With respect to the article of cloathing, the inhabitants have opportunities almost every week of procuring supplies from Great Britain.
I am to add that Their Lordships are of opinion that, in case the Governor of Heligoland should in any instance exercise the Power proposed to be given to him of granting Licenses for the importation of provisions into Heligoland, he should be instructed to communicate the same to the Earl of Liverpool, that the Lords of this Committee may be informed thereof.
I am, Sir, Your most obedient, humble Serwant,
W. Fawkener.
P. S. The Petition above referred to is returned herewith being in Original.
Endorsed Whitehall 5-th Decber 1809 mr. Fawkener.
From C. 0. 118–2. Heligoland. 1809.
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