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Хантингтон С.П. Политический порядок в меняющихся обществах. М., 2004; Хорос В.Г. Русская история в сравнительном освещении. М., 1996. С. 14–18; Eisenstadt S.N. Revolution and the Transformation of Societies: A Comparative Study of Civilizations. New York, 1978; Patterns of Modernity: In 2 vols / S.N. Eisenstadt (ed.). Washington Square, N.Y., 1987; Social Change and Modernization: Lessons from Eastern Europe / B. Grancelli (ed.). Berlin; New York, 1995; Davies J.С Toward a Theory of Revolution // When Men Revolt and Why / C. Davies (ed.). New Brunswick; London, 1997. P. 136.