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Kivelson V.A. The Effects of Partible Inheritance: Gentry Families and the State in Muscovy // Russian Review. 1994. April. Vol. 53. № 2. P. 210; Levin E. Women and Property in Medieval Novgorod: Dependence and Independen-ce // Russian History. 1983. Vol. 10. Pt. 2. P. 163—165; Levy S. Women and the Control of Property in Sixteenth-Century Muscovy // Ibid. P. 208—211; Janosik McNally S. From Public Person to Private Prisoner: The Changing Place of Women in Medieval Russia Ph.D. Dissertation. State University of New York at Binghamton, 1976. P. 33; Пушкарева Н.Л. Имущественные права женщин на Руси (X—XV вв.) // Исторические записки. 1986. №114. С. 180-224.