С. Cahen, Pre-Ottoman Turkey: a general survey of the material and spiritual culture. C. 1071–1330 (London 1968)
М. Сагу The geographic background of Greek and Roman history (Oxford 1949)
F.W. Carter, ed., An historical geography of the Balkans (London-NY-San Francisco 1977)
J.F. Haldon, Warfare, state and society in the Byzantine world 565–1204 (London 1999) 46–66
R.S. Lopez, The evolution of land transport in the Middle Ages // Past and Present 9 (1957–58) 17–29
N.J.G. Pounds/ The historical geography of Europe, 450 BC-AD 1330 (Cambridge 1973)
W.M. Ramsay, The historical geography of Asia Minor, Royal Geographical Society, Supplementary Papers IV (London 1890/ Amsterdam 1962)
J.M. Wagstaff, The evolution of the Middle Eastern landscapes (Canterbury 1984)
M. Whittow, The strategic geography of the Near East, in idem, The making of Orthodox Byzantium, 600–1025 (London 1996) 15–37
Детальные обзоры климата, географии и коммуникаций центральной части Византии содержатся в географических руководствах Адмиралтейства:
Greece, I: Physical geography, history, administration and peoples, Naval Intelligence Division, Geographical Handbook Series, B.R. 516 (London 1944)
Greece, II: Economic geography, ports and communications, Naval Intelligence Division, Geographical Handbook Series, B.R. 516A (London 1944)
Greece, III: Regional geography, Naval Intelligence Division, Geographical Handbook Series, B.R. 516B (London 1945)
Turkey, I, Naval Intelligence Division, Geographical Handbook Series, B.R. 507 (London 1942)
Turkey, II, Naval Intelligence Division, Geographical Handbook Series, B.R. 507A (London 1943).
Также доступны издания по Албании, Югославии и Болгарии.
Византийские дороги подробно описаны в работе Ramsay, Historical geography.За последнее время появилось несколько других интересных публикаций о византийской дорожной системе в Анатолии: J.G.C. Anderson, The road system of eastern Asia Minor with the evidence of Byzantine campaigns // Journal of Hellenic Studies 17 (1897), 22–30; and E. Honigmann, Die Ostgrenze des byzantinischen Reiches von 363 bis 1071 (Brussels 1935).
В работах Tabula Imperii Byzantini (Austrian Academy, Byzantine Institute, Vienna) произведен детальный историко-топографический анализ текстов и описания всех провинций Византийской империи с приложением детальных карт.
Краткую общую оценку византийской стратегии в Малой Азии в VIII — начале IX в. см.: J.A. Arvites, The defence of Byzantine Anatolia during the reign of Irene (780–802), in S. Mitchell (ed), Armies and frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 156, Oxford 1983) 219–36.
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