Список сокращений

А — Anthropos

АА — American Anthropologist

AJPA — American journal of physical anthropology

AP — Asian perspectives

APAMNH — Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History

APAO — Archaeology and physical anthropology in Oceania

APAS — American and Pacific Archaeology Series

BAIM — Bulletin of the Auckland Institute and Museum

BEFEO — Bulletin de l’Ecole fran?aise d’Extr?me-Orient

BIEAS — Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology. Academia Sinica

BMFEA — Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern antiquities

BPBMB — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin

BPBMM — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Memoir

ВPBMOP — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Occasional Paper

ВPBMSP — Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Piblication

BSEI — Bulletin de la Soci?t? des Etudes indochinoises

BSGI — Bulletin du Service G?ologique de l’Indochine

CA — Current authropology

CMB — Canterbury Museum Bulletin

DMB — Dominion Museum Bulletin (Wellington)

DMM — Dominion Museum monograph (Wellington)

EM — Etudes m?lan?siennes

FMJ — Federation Museums journal

JEAS — Journal of East Asiatic studies

JFMSM — Journal of the Federated Malay States Museum

JHKAS — Journal of the Hong Kong Archaeological Society

JMBRAS — Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society

JPNGS — Journal of the Papua New Guinea Society

JPS — Journal of the Polynesian Society

JPAI (JAI) — Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

JRSNZ — Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand

JSO — Journal de la Soci?t? des Oc?anistes

MSGI — M?moir du Service G?ologique de l’Indochine

NZAAM — New Zealand Archaeological Association Momograph

NZAAN — New Zealand Archaeological Association Newsletter

NZJS — New Zealand Journal of Science

OUMPA — Otago University Monographs in Prehistoric Anthropology (ранее — Studies in Prehistoric Anthropology, Departament of Anthropology, University of Otago)

PAR — Pacific Anthropological Records

PJS — Philippine Journal of Science

PPS — Proceedings of Prehistoric Society

RAM — Records of the Australian museum

RAIM — Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum

RCM — Records of the Canterbury Museum

RFM — Records of the Fiji Museum

ROMA — Records of the Otago Museum, Anthropology

RPNGM — Records of the Papua New Guinee Museum

SMJ — Sarawak Museum Journal

SWJA — Southwestern Journal of anthropology

TNZI — Transactions of the New Zealand Institute

TRSNZ — Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand

UISPP — Union International des Sciences Prehistoriques et Proto-historiques

WA — World Archaeology

WBKL — Wiener Beitr?ge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik

ВДИ — Вестник древней истории. М.

ВИ — Вопросы истории. М.

НАА — Народы Азии и Африки. История, экономика, культура. М.

Сб. МАЭ — Сборник трудов Музея археологии и этнографии. М.—Л.

СВ — Советское востоковедение. М.

СЭ — Советская этнография. М.—Л., М.

ТИЭ — Труды Института этнографии АН СССР им. Н. Н. Миклухо-Маклая