Источники и библиография
Источники и библиография
Книги по военной истории периода
Abels R. Lordship and Military Obligation in Anglo-Saxon England. London: British Museum Press, 1988.
Abels R. Alfred the Great: War, Kingship and Culture in Anglo-Saxon England. New York: Longman, 1998.
Hill P. The Age of Athelstan: Britain’s Forgotten History. Stroud: Tempus, 2004.
Hollister C. Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions on the Eve of the Norman Conquest. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1962.
Loyn H. The Vikings in Britain. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
Maritime Celts, Frisians and Saxons/ Ed. by S. McGrail. London,1990.
Peddie J. Alfred, Warrior King. Stroud: Sutton, 1989.
Pollard J. Alfred the Great: the Man who Made England. London: John Murray, 2005.
Sawyer P. Kings and Vikings. London: Methuen, 1982.
Smyth A.P. Scandinavian Kings in the British Isles 850–880. Oxford, 1977.
Smyth A.P. Scandinavian York and Dublin. Dublin, 1987.
Stenton F.M. Anglo-Saxon England. Oxford, 1971.
Sturdy D. Alfred the Great. London: Constable, 1995.
Древние тексты и другие источники
Gaimar. L’Estoire des Engleis / Ed. by A. Bell A. Oxford, 1960.
The Chronicle of /Ethelweard. / Ed. by A. Campbell. London: Nelson’s Medieval Texts, 1962.
Annals of St. Neots. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Collaborative Edition. Vol. 17. / Ed. by D. Dumville, M. Lapidge. Cambridge, 1984.
Alfred the Great. Asser’s Life of Alfred and Other Contemporary Sources / Ed. by S. Keynes, M.Lapidge. London: Penguin Books, 1983.
Annals of St. Bertin /Ed.by J.Nelson. Manchester, 1991.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle / Transl. by M. Swanton. London: J.M. Dent, 1996.
Сборники статей
Vikings and the Danelaw: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth Viking Conference / Ed.by J. Graham-Campbell, R. Hall, J.Jesch, N. Parsons. Oxford: Oxbow.
Alfred the Great: Papers from the Eleventh-Centenary Conferences, proceedings of the conferences held in 1999 in London and Southampton/ Ed. by T. Reuter. London. 2003.
Отдельные статьи
Beavan M.L.R. The Regnal Dates of Alfred, Edward the Elder and yEthelstan // English Historical Review. 1917. P. 517–531.
Binns A. The Ships of the Vikings, were they «Viking ships»? // Proceedings of the Eighth Viking Congress. Odense. 1981.
Brooks N. The Development of Military Obligations in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries in England // England Before the Conquest. Cambridge, 1971.
Clapham J. H. The Horsing of the Danes // English Historical Review. Vol. 25. № 98.1910. P. 287–293.
Davis R. H. C. Alfred and Guthrum’s Frontier // English Historical Review. Vol. 27.1982. P. 803–810.
Hassal J. M., Hill D. Pont del’Arche: Frankish influence on the West Saxon burh?//Archaeogical Journal CXX–VII. 1970. P. 188–195.
Hill D. The Burghal Hidage-Lyng // Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeogical and Natural History Society CXI. 1967. P. 64–66.
Hill P. R. The Nature and Function of Spearheads in England c. AD 700-1100 // Journal of the Arms and Armour Society. Vol. XVI. № 5. 2000. P. 257–280.
Magoun F.P. King Alfred’s Naval and Beach Battle with the Danes in 896 // Modern Language Review. Vol. XXXVII. 1942. P. 409–414.
Morgan Owen T. The Battle of Buttington, with a brief Sketch of the Affairs of Powys and Mercia // Montgomeryshire Collections 7.1874. P. 260.
Spurrell F. C. J. Haesten’s Camps at Shoebery and Ben-fleet in Essex//Essex Naturalist IV. 1890. P. 150–157.
Stenton F. M. /Ethelweard’s Account of the Last Years of King Alfred’s Reign // English Historical Review XXIV. 1909. P. 79–84.
Stenton F. M. The Danes at Thorney Island in 893 // English Historical Review XXVII. 1912. P. 512–513.
Whitbread L. ^Ethelweard and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle // English Historical Review LXXIV. P. 577–589.

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