Экономические отношения
Экономические отношения
Аверкиева Ю.П. Разложение родовой общины и формирование раннеклассовых отношений у индейцев Северо-Западного побережья Северной Америки // Труды института этнографии. Т. 57. М.-Л., 1960.
Мосс М. Очерк о даре // М. Мосс. Общества. Обмен. Личность. Труды по социальной антропологии. М., 1996.
Семенов Ю.И. Экономическая этнология. Первобытное и раннее предклассовое общество. Ч.Ч. 1-3. М.,1993.
Barton R.F. Ifugao Economics // University of California Publications in Amercan Archaeology and Ethnology. Vol. 15. № 5. Berkeley, 1922.
Bohannan P. and L. Tiv Economy. Evanston, 1968.
Bridewealth and Dowry. Ed. by J. Goody and S.J. Tambiah. Cambridge, 1973.
Codere H. Fighting with Property. New York, 1950.
Dalton G. Economic Anthropology and Development. Essays on Tribal and Peasant Economies. New York, 1968.
Economic Anthropology. Readings in Theory and Analysis. Ed. by E.E. LeClair and H.K. Schneider. New York, 1968.
Einzig P. Primitive Money in its Ethnological, Historical and Economic Aspects. Oxford, 1966 [1949].
Firth R. Primitive Economics of New Zealand Maori. London, 1929.
Firth R. Primitive Polynesian Economy. London, 1939.
Herscovits M.J. Economic Anthropology. The Economic Life of Primitive Peoples. New York, 1965.
Hogbin I. The Leaders and the Led. Carlton, 1979.
The Kula. Ed. by J.W. Leach and E. Leach. Cambridge, 1983.
Lederman R. What Gifts Engender. Cambridge etc., 1986.
Lee R.B. The !Kung San. Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society. New York, 1979.
Lee R.B. Dobe !Kung. New York etc., 1984.
Malinowski B. Argonauts of Western Pacific. London, 1922.
Oliver D.L. A Solomon Island Society. Cambridge, Mass., 1955.
Polanyi K. Primitive, Archic and Modern Economies. Essays of Karl Polanyi. Ed. by G. Dalton. New York, 1968.
Pospisil L. Kapauku Papuan Economy // Yale University Publications in Anthropology. 67. New Haven, 1963.
Quiggin A.H. A Survey of Primitive Money. The Begginings of Currency. London, 1949.
Sahlins M. Stone Age Economics. Chicago and New York, 1972.
Salisbury R.F. From Stone to Steel. Economic Consequenses of a Technological Change in New Guinea. Melbourne, 1962.
Strathern A. The Rope of Moka. Big-Men and Ceremonial Exchange in Mount Hagen, New Guinea. Cambridge, 1971.
Stanner W.E.H. Ceremonial Economics of the Mulluk Mulluk and Mandgella Tribes of the Daly Rivers // Oceania. 1933. Vol. 4. № 2; 1934. Vol. 4. № 4.
Tribal and Peasant Economies. Reading in Economic Anthropology. Ed. by G. Dalton. New York, 1967.
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