1 July 1776 // Ibid. Vol. 8. P. 519–520 (слово «Prussia» следует читать как «Russia»); John Hancock to William Lee and to Ralph Izard, both 1 July, and William Lee to Secretary of Congress, 24 November and 18 December 1777 // Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States / Ed. F. Warton. Washington, DC, 1889. Vol. 2. P. 359, 360, 426, 455; Committee for Foreign Affairs to the Commissioners. 6–9 October 1777 // Papers of Benjamin Franklin / Eds. L.W. Labaree et al. New Haven, 1986. Vol. 25. P. 35; Committee for Foreign Affairs to the Commissioners. 2 December 1777 // Letters of Delegates to Congress. 1981. Vol. 7. P. 366.