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choslovakia”, vol. 1, p. 247; Gustav Fleischmann. The Religious Congrega-

tion, 1918–1938. — In: “The Jews of Czechoslovakia”, p. 273.

2Yeshayahu Jelinek. The Swoboda Army Legend: Concealed Realities.—

“Soviet Jewish Affairs”, May 1980, p. 76–77.

3J. W. Brugel. Jews in Political Life. — “The Jews in Czechoslovakia”,

vol. II, P- 244.

4Solomon Goldelman. The Jews in the new Czecho-Slovakia. — “Con-

temporary Jewish Record”, January 1939, p. 13.

5Bela Vago. Popular Front in the Balkans: Failure in Hungary and

Rumania. — “Journal of Contemporary History”, 1970, vol. V, № 3, p. 115,

6Bela Vago. The Jewish Vote in Rumania between the two World

Wars. — “Jewish Journal of Sociology”, December 1972, p. 241.

7Diaspora. — “Labor Zionist Newsletter”, 15 November 1935, p. 12.

8William Perl. The Four Front War, p. 349.