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Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Washington, DC.

MS No. P–030: «The German Campaign in the Balkans, 1941».

MS No. B–250: Warlimont, General of Artillery, «Answers to Questions Concerning Greece, Crete and Russia».

MS No. D–064: General Hans – Joachim Rath, «1st Stuka Wing (Feb. – May, 1941)».

MS No. P–051: «Airborne Operations – A German Apprisal».

MS No. И–524: General von Greiffenberg, «Supplements to the Study – The Balkan Campaign (The Invation of Greece)».

MS No. B–639: Major General Rudiger von Heyking, «Commitment of Parachute Troops by the 2nd Air Transport Wing (Special purpose); Crete, 21 May, 1941».

MS No. P–051b: Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, «Practical Eхperience in Carrying out and Opposing Airborne Landings in World War II», Study No.11.

Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, J.H. Engel, Operations Evaluation Group Interim Research Memorandum No.35, «Combat Effectiveness of Allied and German Troops in the World War II Invation of Crete», 1963.

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