Collins S. The Present State of Russia L., 1671. P. 8-10, 36, 114; Olearius A. The Travels of Olearius in Seventeenth-Century Russia / Trans, and ed. S.H. Baron. Stanford, 1967. P. 168-170; Korb J.G. Diary ofan Ausrian Secretary of Legation at the Court of Czar Peter the Great. L., 1863. Vol. 1. P. 206—208; Perry J. Extracts from the State of Russia under the Present Czar // Seven Britons in Imperial Russia, 1698—1812 / Ed. P. Putnam. Princeton, 1952. P. 37, 40; Weber F.C. The Present State of Russia L., 1968. Vol. 1. P. 136, 147-150.