Рекомендуемая литература

Рекомендуемая литература

За последние 10 лет появилось много публикаций по УКР. Ни одна из них не вправе претендовать на исчерпывающее освещение, но есть несколько ключевых работ, которые помогут Вам успешно пройти через лабиринт статей, отредактированных томов, отчетов и приобрести ценные знания.

CLEERE, HENRY, ed. 1989. Archaeological Heritage Management in the Modern World. London: Unwin Hyman. A series of essays on CRM in different countries under radically different governments. A fascinating comparative exercise.

FOWLER, DON D. 1982. «Cultural Resources Management.» Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory 5: 1–50. A superb essay on the basic issues of CRM in the early 1980s. Still to the point, and recommended for its clear exposition and comprehensive references.

GREEN, WIEEIAM, and JOHN F. DOERSHUK. 1998. «Cultural Resource Management and American Archaeology.» Journal of Archaeological Research 6 (2): 121–167. A masterly synthesis of the state of CRM in the late 1990s. This is the best starting point for exploring the subject. The bibliography is comprehensive and superb.

HARDESTY, DONALD L., and BARBARA J. LITTLE. 2000. Assessing Site Significance. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. An up-to-date and readable discussion of the methods and criteria archaeologists use to assess the importance of archaeological sites.

KING, THOMAS F. 1998. Cultural Resource Laws and Practice: An Introductory Guide. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.

–. 2003. Places That Count: Traditional Cultural Properties in Cultural Resource Management. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. Two essential guides to current legislation and practice that should be on every CRM archaeologists bookshelf.

NEUMANN, THOMAS W, and ROBERT M. SANFORD. 2001. Cultural Resource Archaeology. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. A widely used basic textbook on CRM for beginners.

WHITTLESEY, STEPHANIE M., and others, eds. 1998. Vanishing River: Landscapes and Lives of the Lower Verde Valley. Tucson, AZ: SRI Press. An exemplary synthesis based on large-scale CRM research.

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