Литература на иностранных языках

Литература на иностранных языках

Bazylow Ludwic. Ostatnie Lata Rosji Carskiej. Rzady Stolypina. Warsawa, 1972.

Chmielewski E. Stolypin and Russian Ministerial Grisis of 1909 // California Slavic Studies. 1967. V. 4, pp. 138.

Chmielewski E Stolypin’s Last Grisis // California Slavic Studies. 1964. V. 3, pp. 95126.

Conroy M. Peter Arkad’evich Stolypin. Practical Politics in late Tsarist Russia. Boulder, Colorado, 1976.

Conroy M.Ch. Stolypin’s Attitude toward Local Sefl Government // The Slavonic and East European Review. 1968. V. 46. № 107, pp. 446461.

Hosking G.A. P.A. Stolypin and the Octobrist Party // The Slavonic and East European Review. 1969. V. 47. № 108, pp. 137160.

Koefoed C.A. My Share in the Stolypin Agrarian Reforms. Odense, 1985.

Legras J. Souvenirs sur P.A. Stolypin // Vie des peoples (Paris). 1922. V. 7, pp. 10031020.

Levin A. Peter Arkadievich Stolypin. A Political of Modern History. 1965. V. 37. № 4, pp. 445463.

Mosse W.E. Stolypin’s Villages // The Slavonic and East European Review. 1965. June, pp. 257– 274.

Robinson G. Rural Russia under the old Regime. New York, 1961.

Savickij N. P.A. Stolypin // Le Monde Slave. 1933. V. 4. № 11, pp. 227263; № 12, pp. 360383; 1934. V. IV. № 12, pp. 378403.

Stolypine A. L’homme du dernier tsar, Stolypine souvenirs. Paris, 1931.

Strakhovsky L.I. The statesmanship of Peter Stolypin: A. Reappraisal // The Slavonic and East European Review. 1959. V. 37. № 89, pp. 348370.

Tokmakoff G. P.A. Stolypin and the third Duma. Washington, 1981.

Tokmakoff G. P.A. Stolypin and the Second Duma // Slavonic and East European Review. 1972. V. 50. № 118, pp. 4962.

Tokmakoff G. Stolypin’s Assasin // Slavic Review. 1965. V. 24. № 2, pp. 314321.

Tredgold D.W. The great Siberian Migration. Government and Peasant in Ressettlement from Emancipation to the first World War. Princeton, 1957.

Tredgold D.W. Was Stolypin in favor of Kulaks? // The American Slavic and East European Review. 1955. V. XIV. № 1, pp. 114.

Wolfe B.D. Lenin, Stolypin and the Russian Village // Russian Review. 1947. V. 6. № 4, pp. 4454.

Yaney G.L. The Concept of the Stolypin Land Reform // Slavic Review. 1964. V. 22, pp. 275293.

Yaney G.L. The Imperial Russian Government and the Stolypin Land Reform. Ph. D. thesis Princeton, 1962.

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