Литература на английском языке

Литература на английском языке

1. Asquith H. A. The Genesis of the War. L., 1923.

2. Barclay T. The Turco-Italian War and its Problems. L., 1912.

3. Barlett C. J. Britain Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century. L., 1989.

4. Baunsence A. M. Anglo-Russian Relations Concerning the Origins and effects of the Persian Question 1906–1911. George town. 1950.

5. Blunt W. S. My Diaries. Being a Personal Narrativ of Events, 1888–1914. Vol. I–II. L., 1919–1920.

6. British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey. Cambridge, 1977.

7. Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923.

8. Callwell C. E. The Dardanelles… (Campaign and their Lessons). Boston. N. Y. 1919.

9. Cecil A. British Foreign Secretaries 1807–1916. L., 1927.

10. Churchill W. The World Crisis 1911–1914. L., 1923.

11. Clayton L. Britain and the Eastern Question. L., 1971.

12. Coolidge A. C. Origins of the Triple Alliance. N. Y., 1926.

13. CrambJ. A. Germany and England. N.-Y., 1914.

14. Dickinson G. L. The International Anarchy. 1904–1914. L., 1936.

15. Dillon E. J. England and Germany. L., 1916.

16. Edward A., Bearman G. Britain, Europe, and the World. 1848–1918. L., 1979.

17. Feroz A. The Young Turks. The Commitee of Union and Progress in Turkish Politics 1908–1914. Oxford, 1969.

18. Gibbon H. A. The New Map of Europe 1911–1914. A Study of Contemporary Europen National Movements and Wars. L., 1914.

19. Gibbon H. A. The New Map of Europe 1911–1914. The Story of the Recent European Diplomatic Crisis and Wars and of Europe’s Present Catastrophe. N. Y., 1926.

20. Gibbon H. A. The New Map of Asia (1900–1914). N. Y., 1921.

21. GillardD. The Strugle in Asia 1828–1914. A Study in British and Russian Imperialism. L., 1977.

22. Ghose S. The Western Impact on Indian Policies (1885–1919). Bombay, 1967.

23. Gooch G. P. Before the War. Studies in Diplomacy. Vol. 1–2. L., N. Y., 1936–1938.

24. Gooch G. P. Recent Revelation of European Diplomacy. L., 1940.

25. Gosses F. The Management of British Foreign Policy before the First World War, Espesially during the Period 1880–1914. Sijthoff, 1948.

26. Graves P. P. The Question of the Straits. L.; Bonn, 1931.

27. Grey of Fallodon. Twenty-Five Years (1892–1916). L., 1935.

28. Grey E. Specheson Foreign Affaires 1904–1914. L. 1931.

29. Hale O. J. Publicity and Diplomacy. With Special Reference to England and German. 1890–1914. N. Y.; L., 1940.

30. Harding Sir Arthur H. A. A Diplomatic in the East. L., 1928.

31. Heller J. British Policy toward the Ottoman Empire 1908–1914. L., 1983.

32. Jellicoe E. G. Playing the Game. What Mr. Asguith in his book «The Genesises of the War», does not tell us. L., 1924.

33. Jerrald D. Britain and Europe 1900–1914. L., 1941.

34. John W. Young Dritain and the World in the 20th Century. L., 1997.

35. Jones R. A. The British Diplomatic Service, 1815–1914. L., 1983.

36. Kazemazadeh F. Russia and Britain in Persia 1864–1914, a Study in Imperialism. L., 1968.

37. Kazkar Y. N. Economic Development on the Ottoman Empire. Beirut, 1968.

38. Knaplund P. Britain, Commonwealth and Empire 1901–1955. L., 1935.

39. Kennedy P. M. The rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism 1866–1914. L., 1982.

40. Kent M. The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire. L., 1984.

41. Langharne R. The Collapse of the Concert of Europe. International politics 1890–1914. L., 1981.

42. Lee S. King Edward VII; a Biography. L., 1925.

43. Lieven D. C. B. Russia and the First World War. L., 1983.

44. Manhart G. B. Alliance and Entente. 1871–1914. N. Y., 1932.

45. Mowat R. B. The Concert of Europe. L., 1930.

46. Muir R. Britains Case Against Germany. An Examination of the Historical Backgrownd of the German Action in 1914. Manchester, 1914.

47. NewboldJ. T. How Europe Armed for War (1871–1914). L., 1916.

48. Nicolson H. Sir Arthur Nicolson. First Lord Carnock. L., 1930.

49. Pribram A. F. Austria-Hungary and Great Britain 1908–1914. Oxford, 1951.

50. Pribram A. F. England and the International Policy of the European Great Powers 1871–1914. Oxford, 1931.

51. Robbis K. Sir Edward Grey. A Biography of Lord Grey of Fallodon. L., 1971.

52. Russel B. The Policy of Entente 1904–1914. L., 1915.

53. Sarolea C. The Anglo-German Problem. L., 1912.

54. Seton W. R. Britain in Europe 1789–1914. A Survey of Foreign Policy. Cambridge, 1958.

55. Seymour C. The Diplomatic Background of the War 1870–1914. Yale: Oxford.

56. Shotwell J. T. A Short History of the Question of Constantinople and the Straits. N. Y., 1922.

57. Siebert B. W. Entente Diplomacy and the World Matrix of the History of Europe 1909–1914. L., 1921.

58. Somervell D. C. The Reign of King Georg the Fifth. L., 1935.

59. Steiner Z. S. The foreign Office and the Foreign Policy 1898–1914. Cambridge, 1969.

60. Tcharykov N. Y. Glimpses of High Politic through War and Peace. 1855–1929. N. Y., 1931.

61. Temperly H. England and the Near East. L., 1936.

62. Trevelyan G. M. Grey of Fallodon. The Life and Letters of Sir Edward Grey. Boston, 1937.

63. Tyler M. W. The European Powers and the Near East. Minneapolis, 1925.

64. Ward A. W., Gooch G. P. Cambridge History of British Foreign Policy. 1783–1919. Vol. 3. 1866–1919. Cambridge, 1923.

65. Williamson S. R. The Politics of Grand Strategy: Britain and France Prepare for War. 1904–1914. L., 1990.

66. Woods H. C. War and Diplomacy in the Balkans. L., 1915.

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