Директору Британского музея

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Директору Британского музея


30. Holford Square.

Pentonville. W. С Sir,

I beg to apply for a ticket of admission to the Reading Room of the British Museum. I came from Russia in order to study the land question. I enclose the reference letter of Mr. Mitchell.

Believe me, Sir, to be Yours faithfully

Jacob Richter

April 21. 1902.

To the Director of the British Museum.


30. Holford Square.

Pentonville. W. С



In addition to my letter and with reference to Your information N 4332 I enclose the new recommendation of Mr. Mitchell.

Yours faithfully

Jacob Richter

24 April 1902.

Впервые напечатано в 1957 г. в журнале «Иностранная Литература» № 4

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