Рекомендуемая литература

Рекомендуемая литература

Существует огромное число публикаций по археологической классификации, в том числе и достаточно сложной. Поэтому мы настоятельно рекомендуем Вам прежде обратиться к экспертам за консультацией. Для начала можно прочесть следующие ключевые работы.

COWGILL, GEORGE L. 1982. «Clusters of Objects and Associations between Variables: Two Approaches to Archaeological Classification.» In Robert A. Whallon and James A. Brown, eds., Essays in Archaeological Typology, pp. 30–55. Evanston, IL: Center for American Archaeology. An excellent comparison of attribute-based and object cluster-based classifications in archaeology.

DRENNAN, ROBERT. 1996. Statistics for Archaeologists. New York: Plenum. An excellent introduction to quantitative archaeology.

DUNNELL, R. C. 1971. Systematics in Prehistory. New York: Free Press. A highly technical introduction to systematic classification in archaeology.

–. 1986. «Methodological Issues in Americanist Artifact Classification.» Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory 10: 149–208. A specialist essay on artifact classification that summarizes the major controversies surrounding the subject.

SHENNAN, STEPHEN. 1988. Quantifying Archaeology. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. An introduction to quantitative archaeology for the advanced student. Includes simple exercises.

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