Рекомендуемая литература

Рекомендуемая литература

CLARK, ANTHONY. 1997. Seeing Beneath the Soil. London: Batsford. A basic description of remote-sensing methods with an emphasis on European sites.

GAFFNEY, VINCENT, and ZORAN STANCIC. 1991. GIS Approaches to Regional Analysis: A Case Study of the Island of Hvar Ljubljana, Yugoslavia: Znanstveni institut Filozofske fakultete. An exemplary case study in the use of Geographic Information System technology in archaeology. It is also readable!

HESTER, THOMAS R., HARRY J. SHAFER, and KENNETH L. FEDER. 1997. Field Methods in Archaeology. 7th ed. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield. A classic Held manual aimed at American archaeologists that contains much valuable information on field survey and remote sensing.

MILLON, RENE. 1973. The Teotihuacdn Map: Urbanization at Teotihuacdn, Mexico. Vol. 1. Austin: University ofTexas Press. Aprirne example of a complicated survey and mapping project.

ORTON, CLIVE. 2000. Sampling in Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. A comprehensive account of statistical sampling as applied to archaeology. Essential for intending professionals.

SANDERS, WILLIAM T., JEFFREY R. PARSONS, and ROBERT S. SANTLEY. 1979. The Basin of Mexico: Ecological Processes in the Evolution of a Civilization. 2 vols. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. The best description of a long-term survey project and of survey problems.

WEEKS, KENT R. 1998. The Lost Tomb. New York: William Morrow. A popular account of site survey and mapping in the Valley of the Kings that focuses on the tomb of Rameses Us sons. This is a marvelous example of the detective work that is modern-day Egyptology.

A useful Website for remote sensing methods is http://www.ads.ahs.ac.uk/project/goodguides/gis

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