Рекомендуемая литература

Рекомендуемая литература

BINFORD, LEWIS R. 1983. Working at Archaeology. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. Binford’s major papers arranged in historical order. Read in conjunction with In Pursuit of the Past.

–. 2001. In Pursuit of the Past. Rev. ed. Berkeley: University of California Press. A firsthand account of the development of processual archaeology by its originator. The revised version features an introductory, updating chapter by the author. Essential for serious students.

GERO, JOAN, and MARGARET CONKEY, eds. 1991. Engendering Archaeology. Oxford: Blackwell. Thought-provoking essays on the study of gender in the archaeological record.

HAYS-GILPIN, KEELEY, and DAVID S. WHITEEY, eds. 1998. Reader in GenderArchaeology. New York: Routledge. A useful collection of essays on this important subject.

HEGMON, MICHELEE. 2003. «Setting Theoretical Egos Aside: Issues and Theory in North American Archaeology.» American Antiquity 68 (2): 213–244. An invaluable summary of the current status of theory in North American archaeology.

HODDER, IAN. 1999. The Archaeological Process: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. A short, clearly written analysis of the process of archaeological research that reflects much current thinking on theory.

TRIGGER, BRUCE G. 1989. A History of Archaeological Interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. An authoritative account of the development of explanation in archaeology.

WHITEEY, DAVID S., ed. 1998. Reader in Archaeological Theory: Post-Processual and Cognitive Approaches. New York: Routledge. A comprehensive set of readings by some of the principal figures in the development of postprocessual approaches to archaeology.

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